The Muslim Community Reference Group is moving into an active phase where members are working with the support of the Royal Commission to lead their own community engagement opportunities with a wide range of groups.

“Our most recent meeting, earlier this month was an important opportunity to plan further ways the Royal Commission and the Reference Group can work together to ensure that the voices of Muslim communities are heard as part of the Inquiry,” said Sir William.

"Reference Group members each have unique networks and experiences and can lead discussions within their communities on issues that are important. The views and feedback they gather is of real value to the Royal Commission," said Sir William. 

“The Royal Commission is learning so much from our engagement with the Reference Group and we are of course happy to support members to lead wider community engagement,” said Jacqui Caine.

The full day meeting in Christchurch was the third in a series of meetings planned for the Reference Group and was described by the Royal Commission team as highly engaging and productive.

The Muslim Community Reference Group also spent time working on the Terms of Reference to guide its work, which will shortly be released publicly on the Royal Commission’s website.

"Our inquiry will be significantly enhanced by the Reference Group's work in bringing their voices to the table. I enjoy working with the Reference Group and look forward to our next meeting," said Jacqui Caine.


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