Published: 21 November 2019

The Royal Commission held its fourth hui with the Muslim Community Reference Group in Christchurch this month as part of an ongoing discussion with Muslim communities.

The hui included a focus on New Zealand’s National Security System, particularly its counter-terrorism function, with members sharing their direct experiences of the system.

"Many Reference Group members have significant lived experience of the National Security System and the agencies within it," said Commissioner Sir William Young. “We appreciate the openness from those sharing their personal experiences with us and each other.”

"The Royal Commission is looking at the National Security System as part of the wider focus on how State sector agencies prepare for, and respond to the risk of terrorism," said Commission Member Jacqui Caine.

The priority settings for counter-terrorism are also part of the Terms of Reference for the inquiry and this is an area where community experiences are particularly valuable.

An important aspect of engagement is a two-way conversation which involves sharing and testing information. The

Muslim Community Reference Group is one of many ways the Royal Commission is engaging with communities.

The full day meeting in Christchurch was the fourth in a series of meetings planned for the Reference Group.

“We appreciate the feedback we have received from communities and will ensure that those community voices inform the analysis of evidence and the formulation of recommendations for the future," said Jacqui Caine.



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