Assalaam alaikum and tēnā koutou
One of the primary purposes of our inquiry was to present an independent and authoritative report so that the government can reassure New Zealanders that all appropriate measures are being taken to keep them safe. To do that, we needed to hear from communities.
Our work would not have been complete without hearing New Zealanders’ views on what would make them feel safe. We are grateful for the wealth of insight and experience submitters were willing to share with us to help inform our report.
We received a total of 1,168 submissions – 1,123 from individuals (including researchers and academics) and 44 from organisations. We would like to thank each and every submitter who took the time to share their thoughts with us.
It was clear from the submission process that people from all across the country care deeply about protecting what we value most as New Zealanders. Every submission we received has, in some way, contributed to our report.
The volume and depth of input we received shows that, by and large, New Zealanders want to have a say in how to prevent a terrorist attack like this happening in our country again. Individuals and communities want to be part of the change required to keep all New Zealanders safe and to truly feel that New Zealand is a place we can all call home, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, orientation, interests or beliefs.
Hon Sir William Young KNZM Chair |
Jacqui Caine Member |