Assalaam alaikum and tēnā koutou
We want to start by expressing our deepest condolences to whānau of the 51 shuhada, and the survivors and witnesses of the terrorist attack and their whānau. Throughout our inquiry you have been at the centre of our thinking. We knew the importance of this from the beginning, but our understanding and appreciation of what this truly meant has developed as we heard more of your stories, experiences and evidence. You gave us an understanding of the harrowing reality of the terrorist attack and its ongoing effects. The experiences you shared gave us a further impetus to seek answers, to ensure we left no stone unturned, and provide you with assurance that New Zealand’s national security system is fit for purpose. Our heartfelt thanks go to you for meeting with us and opening up your hearts and homes to share your stories with us.
Hearing from those most affected by the terrorist attack informed our lines of inquiry and provided valuable insight into the reality of recovering from such a horrific attack. This has deeply moved us, and we believe it has added to the richness of our report.
We also acknowledge those who, for whatever reason, did not or were not able to share their experiences with us, whether because they felt the timing or circumstances were not right for them, or for other reasons. We know that engaging in a formal, time-bound process did not accommodate the needs of all those who may have wished to speak to us. We recognise that the stories, experiences and evidence set out here does not represent all whānau of the 51 shuhada, and the survivors and witnesses of the terrorist attack. We invite readers to open these pages and reflect on the insights we have had the privilege of receiving from some of those most deeply affected by the terrorist attack.
Hon Sir William Young KNZM Chair |
Jacqui Caine Member |